Monday, July 20, 2015

March 25th Update - D is for Dinner

I was very lucky in March to be invited by Alan Neal from CBC's Radio One program All in a Day to cook something Tudor for their "D is for Dinner" segment.

I decided to cook 2 recipes for the show. I made a Tarte Owte of Lent (cheese tart) a recipe from Hampton Court and Gyngerbrede (gingerbread).

Here is my Twitter pic before going into the studio on the 25th. You can follow me @emeloteofcalais on twitter.

Here is the picture of the tart in question. :)

Tarte Owte of Lent (cheese tart) a recipe from Hampton Court

The recipe called for Cheshire cheese which I had never had before. I found it in the cheese section at Farm Boy in Cornwall. What I found really interesting is that it had a similar consistency as feta cheese.

So it was a lot of fun being on the radio. Here is the sound bite, if you want to hear the segment.

I was really nervous that it would turn out...there are always things I would want to do to change adjust the recipe, but all in all I was happy with the results.



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