Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I See Dead People... Alternate title: Day 7

Greetings from....bah, bah bah bah, bah, bah, bah bah, bah bah....!


So today was kind of a slow day for us. Not that we meant it to be, it just worked out that way. As you saw I finished yesterday's post this morning as I waited for our darks to wash. Actually it is really neat here, everyone has a washer in the kitchen, then you hang your clothes to dry or go to the laundry mat to dry them. Which is perfect for me since I hang everything anyway.

On the plan for today was to head to Westminster, then maybe Oxford Circus or Harrod's...we made it to Westminster and took a walk along the Thames instead. :) Work out well for us and it was really a nice walk.

So I am super disappointed that I could not take any pictures inside Westminster. But Jeff got a wonderful one outside.

Westminster's rose window
So we wandered around the Abbey with our audio guides for about 2.5 hours. It was really neat seeing all the monuments, though I was saddened that I couldn't read a lot of the old ones on the floor. I was happy to finally see Elizabeth I's tomb and the effigy corset! I even got to see St. Edward the Confessor's tomb by attending a service inside the blocked off area. Very interesting. I loved the Lady's Chapel and all of the architecture. I am sad that we don't have any pictures to show you.

A view through the cloister
We travelled through the cloisters to get to Chapter House which is the oldest part of the Abbey, with amazing medieval glazed tiles, the oldest door in Britain and houses the oldest paintings in Britain.

I am sure this was illegal...but this door is dated 1050s. :)
We left Westminster with the expectation of heading to Oxford Circus, but the weather was finally nice and sunny, so opted for a Thames river walk. It was really lovely and fun! We went by the London Eye.

Since it was low tide we were able to walk on the Thames foreshore and look for treasure! Well ok, for the most common thing which are pipe necks. :) I have a whole bunch for a necklace now. :)

Thames Mudlarking
A rusty nail...age unknown...
As we walked around, there were many buskers, a book sale, lots of restaurants. I had to give some change to the bassoon busker!

Bassoon Busker
There was a roasted peanut seller...Yum!

We passed by the Globe Theatre where there are a lot of shows going on, and we decided to go and see Measure for Measure on Sunday as a groundlings! so for £5 each...should be fun!

We finished our walk at The Anchor, London's oldest Pub. We shared our dinner and it was super yummy with cider of course!

Now we need to pack all our stuff as our next airbnb hosts will let us store our luggage there tonight, since they won't be home till 7pm tomorrow.



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